
Sunday, January 15, 2006

BTBE looks for Outstanding Daniel Radcliffe site all around the World Wide Web

"Behind The Blue Eyes!" is looking for outstanding homepages that contain everything Daniel Radcliffe.

The purpose of this search is to gather all the Daniel Radcliffe website all around the WWW. The criteria for qualification are the following:

1) Moderator/Webmaster must be of Legal Age (18 years old and above)
2) All contents of the homepage must be creative and original
3) The homepage must contain at least a gallery, or download corner, or games for the visitors.
4) The homepage must contain everything Daniel Radcliffe.
5) Certain URL must be working/functional during the search.

Users are the only persons allowed to nominate a certain webpage. Moderators/Webmasters cannot nominate their own homepage.

Moderators/Webmasters are to be verified with email from informing them that their website is chosen as participant for this search.

This is not a contest! It is a gathering.

For more inquiries, email to


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